Friday, July 14, 2006
From Nancy Hamant, July 14, 2006
Personally, I worked with Dr. Puckett and found him to be a man of integrity. The work on the STRS Board is very difficult when you consider that for years the Executive Director had full reign and even today the practice of spending administrative dollars without contracts or oversight is one for debate. Thank goodness, Dennis Leone and John Lazares prevailed in keeping the amount to $100,000.
From John Curry, July 14, 2006
Nancy - Dr. Puckett may very well be a man of integrity, but if he doesn't speak up and either initiate reform or vote in a "reform pattern" on STRS issues he is of no use to this retiree. He is an appointee of Zelman who has been close to a "zero" when it comes to her vigilance over the charter school fiasco in Ohio. John
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