Thursday, July 13, 2006

Reactions to Fisher's resignation

July 13, 2006
From John Bos
I feel more comfortable this morning that Dennis Leone is representing my interests on the STRS Board. Judith Fisher just did not get the picture regarding the role of the STRS Board. The members have a responsibility to represent the retirees and actives to provide the best retirement system that is possible. Dennis and John stand at the top of the stairs in performing their roles to make improvements.
The comments made by Conni R. are MOST disturbing. What are the real issues behind her statement? OEA control? Personal control? Upset about the Ohio Ethics Commission? I believe that she has the responsibility to communicate to Dennis and the membership regarding her statements.
There is no excuse for her behavior regarding these issues!!!!
John Bos
From Shirlee Zerkel:

Not much was said in favor of Dennis and not really any comment from him. Boy, we need Conni off the board as well. She certainly is feeling brave in her comments since she was re-elected to the board by the OEA actives.
Wonder when Dennis' real story will come out. I think the Judi Fisher resignation and Conni upholding her is geared to trying to get Leone to resign so that OEA can have their way on the board. Dennis has upset that 'apple cart' as he should have. Dennis certainly has nothing to feel bad about -- he is a wonderful, caring person and his emotional reactions to things are not childish. Remember even Jesus got mad in the temple and overturned the money lenders tables. Jesus is our example; good people need to right the wrongs of the world. I resent all of them so much now because of what they are trying to do to Dennis.
From Sondra Stratton:
Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!! Retirees put Dennis Leone and John Lazares on the STRS board because they were LOOKING OUT FOR US. Ms. Fisher simply does not get this. I believe she was one who was offended by what retirees had to say when she first was appointed to the board! She was also the one to state, at a meeting last year, when John Lazares recommended they NOT do business with any companies that have committed ethics violations, that she did not see the need for that. Because they ( businesses or companies) had ethics violation should not be of concern to them and they should continue to do business as usual. That speaks VOLUMES!!!!
From everything I have read, I believe that a little respect and civility to Dennis Leone might be in need. Recently, Brown screamed at Leone to "SHUT UP!"
We have put these two men in those seats to do exactly what they are doing....represent retirees ( and actives). TO PROTECT OUR RETIREMENT MONEY AND GET THINGS BACK ON TRACK. While there have been many improvements in the last 3-4 years since retirees got involved, after reading the reports done my Dr. Leone, I believe that most of the STRS board members ( as well as Damon Asbury and many employees) STILL just simply do not get it. If we had classes for board members, some would definitely be in the slow learner's class!!!!
For what it is worth, I hope Ms. Fisher doesn't let the door crack her on the way out. Perhaps, we retirees could offer to hold the door for Ms. Fisher on her way out of STRS as we offered for Jack Chapman!!!!!
Thanks for all the effort you have put into this mess over the past years!
Sondra Stratton
From George Doyle:
It sounds to me like they are trying to put pressure on Dennis! I hope he keeps it up and they ALL RESIGN!!!!! Why put out dirty laundry to dry! Clean it first so that the public can see a nice clean wash! I am disappointed that Conni would say such things, when Judy would not mention any names. I have said from the beginning, they don't want Dennis and John there so they are going to do everything in their power to malign them and try to get the membership against them. Too bad, 'cause it ain't gonna' happen!
A little well-timed and appropriate history lesson from Ms. Bracy. I think I see another mob of angry retirees walking down West Broad Street! "The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind fine" - ever so fine.
John, today-a much prouder CORE member
From Kathie Bracy:
I can't help noticing Judith Fisher's resignation occurred the same week as the 217th anniversary of Bastille Day, that gleaming moment in history when the citizens of France, angry and tired of the arrogance and oppression of their Old Guard (the regime of Louis XVI), stormed the Bastille prison and tore down the walls, setting off their own Revolution. Is there a parallel here? It certainly appears that another wall has come down at STRS this week. Reform and revolution are alive and well, thanks to Board members Dennis Leone and John Lazares.
Kathie Bracy

From Elfrieda Ramseyer:
Molly...thanks for sending this letter to the governor .... I knew very little about Judith Fisher and appreciate your comments ... it is apparent that it is good she has resigned .... am hopeful we get someone who will support Leone and Lazarus ... continued thanks for your constant efforts.
Elfrieda Landes Ramseyer
Retired Nurse Educator
Molly: Thank you! I heard her exchange with Lazares MYSELF! Also, her comments regarding the other items are public as said and voted on in board meetings.
From Mary Jordan:
Years ago my brother and I were having a discussion when Mother came into the room and firmly said, "Kids, quit arguing!" I quickly replied, "We are not arguing. We are having a discushiment! That is a discussion with the intensity of an argument."
Fisher must be used to people treating her as a financial goddess whose opinion, idea,or whatever is the only correct one. She expected her word to be the final one and no one should disagree or have a different opinion. Unfortunately she has no real understanding of people who have to live at a much lower income level and how important every dollar is to us and the true meaning of what is stated in the Ohio Revised Code Section 3307.15. She must not have liked her adventure into the real world if she considered "a board member" to be "verbally castigating, impugning and maligning Board actions, behaving ... in an emotionally abusive manner on repeated occasions.”
Dennis and John do understand how important every dollar is to us retirees. They do understand there are not a privileged few who deserve many perks and bonuses. They do understand even low paid employees deserve to have every penny they have earned as is stated in Ohio Revised Code concerning retirees' money. We retirees are very thankful Dennis and John do understand.
As for Conni saying, "If he was a student in my classroom, he would have probably been suspended. Basic civility you learn as a child... At some point, an adult has to act like an adult.” How sad it is for the pupils in her class that she is so authoritative that her pupils would not be permitted to speak with intense passion on something that is very important to them. Think of the learning her students would miss and perhaps how her understanding would be increased! Ideas could be discussed. Dennis discusses ideas and issues not personalities.
And as for Conni's continued remark that "At some point, an adult has to act like an adult.” An adult has to have adult understand which requires following the laws of the State of Ohio and having empathy for those who are not living at the same level of income as you are. Both Judith and Conni apparently need to develop those adult values. How frustrating it must be for Dennis to try to teach these adults the understanding and values they lack.
As a retiree, I am extremely thankful for Dennis's intense passion and understanding of the ORVC and his persistence in trying to follow the law.
It would have been super if Conni and Fisher would have participated in the discushiment. More problems could have been solved.
Mary Jordan
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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