Tuesday, August 29, 2006

OPERS insurance tables for 2007; an interesting comparison to STRS

From John Curry, August 28, 2006
Subject: OPERS insurance tables for 2007 -- unlike STRS, OPERS GRANDFATHERS!

The 2007 monthly premium dollars figures aren't published yet, but the 2007 percentage of healthcare premiums paid by OPERS are. OPERS puts STRS to shame in the paid percentages of total premium coverage costs. OPERS didn't trash spouses like STRS did. OPERS grandfathered, STRS didn't. OPERS didn't even require the services of the Healthcare Advocates to do what they did. While some of our current and former STRS Board members (and staff) were enjoying Broadway plays, golfing, watching ball games, and dining at expensive restaurants, their counterparts at OPERS were busy looking ahead and planning for the future healthcare needs of their fiduciaries. Please click on the link below to see what a prudent and planning state retirement system is doing -- despite the rising costs of healthcare.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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