Tuesday, September 26, 2006
From Sondra Stratton, September 26, 2006
Subject: Hc for 2008
What is being done by the staff to REDUCE the HC costs for 2008? Something I read a while back said something to the effect that you already had 2007's. WHAT is being done NOW to get these costs down in 2008??? I would like to know in detail. AND I am not talking about raising our rates and cutting our benefits. I want to know what is being done to go in with other systems or starting your own pharmacy!!!
Be aware that Wal-Mart followed by Target is probably just the beginning. IF STRS makes big bucks on generics, then you know you are going to be hurting when these stores begin the $4 prescription. I KNOW where I will be going!!!
We deserve better than what we are getting from STRS. Not only that, we were PROMISED decent health care for the rest of our lives. I want to scratch the eyes out of those who are quoted in the newspaper as saying "AFFORDABLE HC". What might be AFFORDABLE for your staff is one thing but it is sure different than what is affordable for retirees!!!!! IF the staff thinks our HC insurance is so good and affordable, then they need to be on the same thing as retirees. THen we might see the willingness to actually do something as it would affect THEM!!!
We need STRS to be working diligently on this not sitting around until the next year and then crying that what is done is done!!!! I believe that there is a solution but perhaps it would be asking too much of the staff to get off their rear-ends
and find the solution.....maybe they would need a pay raise to do that.
Please excuse my sarcastic mood but that is how I am feeling and I am sure I am not alone, at the new costs for 2007 and the fact that we hear the same old thing every year. WHEN IS SOMETHING THAT BENEFITS THE RETIREE GOING TO BE DONE???? I think we need to hire some big firm to sit down with staff and force them to learn what 3307.15 is all about as no one at STRS really seems to comprehend!!!!!! That might surely be worth $315,000!!!!!!!!!!!
Sondra Stratton
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