Saturday, October 28, 2006

Deborah Sodders -- Letters to STRS Board and Susan Zelman: Corruption must stop; Puckett acting irresponsibly

From Deborah Sodders, October 28, 2006
Subject: Corruption MUST stop!
Dear STRS Ohio Board,
Again I am reading and viewing information about your actions that upsets me thoroughly! Why would the STRS executive director need a spending limit of $100,000 let alone $1,000,000? And, why would you approve of funding monies for personal legal fees of 3 employees when FREE legal service was already available? Your corruption and fiscal waste between 1995 and 2003 should have set an example of how NOT to vote and yet you are still acting irresponsibly!
Your own representative from the State Superintendent's office is not representing active teacher's and retiree's interests. He voted against a spending cap for the executive director and for the personal attorney's fees.
Corruption and wastefulness needs to stop with the board! The retirees worked hard for their pensions and should feel secure that it won't be wasted by a group of people who are entrusted to use it responsibly.
Deborah E. Sodders
Greenville City Schools retiree
From Deborah Sodders, October 28, 2006
Subject: STRS corruption
Dear Supt. Zelman,
It has come to my attention that once again STRS Ohio is acting irresponsibly and that your board representative, Steve Puckett, has been part of it. Mr. Puckett voted against a spending cap for the STRS Executive Director. He was in favor of paying legal fees for three STRS employees who were subpoenaed to testify in an ethics conviction trial even though free legal advice was available from the State Attorney General's office. He voted "no" to prohibit full-time rehired retirees from utilizing STRS health insurance. He also thought it was proper for STRS to purchase an American Express credit card for him. Mr. Puckett is NOT responsibly representing active teachers or retirees!
As a 30-year teacher now retired from Greenville City Schools, it is an embarrassment to hear about corruption and irresponsibility from our pension caretakers. Thank goodness for Dennis Leone and John Lazares who seem to understand what and who they represent.
I hope you will consider examining the voting position of your STRS board representative. If Ohio expects excellence from its educators, then the educators expect excellence from its pension caretakers.
Please do not hesitate to contact me concerning this subject.
Deborah E. Sodders
Greenville City Schools retiree
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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