Thursday, October 26, 2006

Molly's conversation with Mary Ann Cervantes: Mary Ann wants to hear from us

From Molly Janczyk, October 26, 2006
Subject: Mary Ann (Flannagan ) Cervantes
I spoke with Mary Ann this evening for quite some time. It was most pleasant and very encouraging. She was most adamant that membership contact her:
She wishes that members would stay and talk with her after Public Speak. I did say many have to leave to get back home and or we go back to our meetings at times.
Mary Ann wanted to clear up the misunderstanding that she was not receiving emails. When she first joined the board, she was asked whether she preferred mail or emails and being new and overwhelmed she requested mail. I got her email address and used it often but she felt few others wished to contact her. Then, she married and moved and changed her email. So, the old one failed and she is just now up with a new one listed above. She apologizes for this and hopes to hear saying she is just beginning to hear from others and welcomes this.
Mary Ann made it clear she wants to speak with Dennis and John and hear their thinking on issues to come before voting in the future. She has based her voting on STSR legal advice and investment appointees feeling they were sent to provide the board with experience since she felt she was still learning. We spoke of getting all views before voting including from Dennis and John and Tom Mooney who have actually worked on many boards and with legal and experienced individuals but also have put this advice into practical matters realistically and for the good of membership.
I said we never dictate votes and Mooney has made it clear he will not dictate votes but that all considerations need be heard before voting their conscience.
She was most agreeable to seeking all sides of issues prior to voting and appreciative of honest dialogue. I was very happy to speak with her and encourage others to let her know points to consider. I found her approachable and direct. Nothing was held back nor ill received.
Please do be heard!
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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