Monday, November 27, 2006

RH Jones: Why be a teacher?

From RH Jones, November 27, 2006
The PERI NewsletterR, 4th Quarter, 2006
To all:
The PERI NewsletterR, 4th Quarter '06, front page quote of Mr. Blake Sherry, the Chief Operating Officer of OPERS:
" overview of the makeup and financial status of the retirement system:
. membership of 381,000 active employees and 152,000 benefit recipients
71 million in assets
. 9.03% return on investments this year
. 89% fully funded
. health care solvency of 18 years
the 16th largest pension system in the United States."
(End Quote)
My thinking: Why got to college to be a teacher? You can, for example, work for the highway department and get a better pension.
RHJones, Proud to the CORE
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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