From Molly Janczyk, January 18, 2007
Subject: Lazares/ Misc. 1/18/07
John Lazares will have surgery Mon. 1/22/07. He is worried that members may email or call him and not know he is unable to respond. He wants all to know he is not able to do so for some time and will let us know when he can again email or speak on phone. They are expecting 4 months healing. A knee replacement, and this is his second on the same knee due to complications he has endured this past year and a half, is a lengthy recuperation -- more so even than a hip replacement which my husband had. More constant bending.
.....John Lazares [wife is Trish]
.....8133 Devonshire Pl.
.....Maineville, OH 45039
.....Home phone: 1-513-583-7611
.....Cell: 1-513-967-8786
.....E-mail: jklazares@fuse.net (uses his cell for this)
Please remember: We will let you know when he is able to take calls and emails. Meanwhile, I will be cking on him (I am sure others will be too) and keeping you updating on his condition. He will be in a lot of pain for a while (hoping then his pain will be over with his healing) and going to rehap as soom as he is able which is pretty extensive being a constantly bending joint. John thanks you for all who expressed concern today for him requesting updates and his address.
Some very nice things happened to me today.
Don Bright, Pres. of ORTA, introduced himself to me most graciously as I passed by.
Lou DiOrio introduced me to the esteemed Dr. Hill, I believe of OSU who served as Pres. of the OSU Retired Assoc. What a pleasant articulate gentleman who is very interested in STRS issues. He stated he is seeing some progress lately.
I spoke with Bill L. re: HCA legislation which I told you and to Herschel Grimm of OFT re: filling Tom Mooney's difficult to fill shoes. He does feel positive that some possibilities are present.
People really seemed to be ready to reach out and open doors to us. I hope this is as they said, a new year with many new possibilities and political environments. They seemed excited about being able to reach goals and thus, more ready to communicate them and make efforts to work collaboratively. There was a feeling of more unification over common issues. Perhaps this was part of the situation -- that not feeling positive about being able to deliver some chose not to state what was uncertain. I hope this is a new beginning and we can all stand together where we agree and discuss what where we may differ with each other in meetings as we did today with respect and professionalism. The tone was upbeat and positive. I feel like many have said: If we do not do everything we can to pass HC legislation and work on these other legislative proposals, we are remiss and irresponsible.
It seems the Board generally is hearing Leone and Lazares on travel issues and ready to make changes. The atmosphere has been more towards at least hearing and seemingly considering all opinions lately. Conni has asked what makes a Board Member comfortable for acceptance which is a good thing. It seems they are talking until all are comfortable or can agree on pts. vs. just voting something down. I hope it is as it appears and moves on growing from this point to stronger collaborative efforts. I love nothing better than being able to compliment and hope I am accurate.
As Dave Parshall said today: The Board must show they understand when the membership is not happy. Lots was said, but in good ways to all.
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