Sunday, February 18, 2007

John Bos and June Hughes: Boo to Caremark!!!

John Bos to Molly Janczyk, February 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Re: Shirlee re. Caremark
We also had Caremark contact my wife's cardiologist. My wife, (major heart issues) takes 2 different medications to lower cholesterol. This treatment is working very well. Caremark thought that only one drug was necessary and named the prescription that should be eliminated. The physician OBJECTED STRONGLY and Caremark immediately backed off. The cardiologist told Caremark that he knew more about his patients on a personal basis than Caremark did by looking at a prescription printout.
Hurray for our great physicians. Boo to Caremark!!!
John Bos
June Hughes to Molly Janczyk, February 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Shirlee re. Caremark
Generics make more money for the companies. I too was given erroneous information. When I spoke with a so-called pharmacist they could not tell the information I asked in order to make an informed decision. One of my questions was what is the absorption rate difference between the brand and the generic. they couldn't or didn't give me the information. Absorptions are an important part of medicating along with coatings and other things. I tried to make a change once and my cholesterol was up in less than 30 days. Don't be coerced.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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