Monday, February 26, 2007

Molly Janczyk and June Hughes re: What teachers have to put up with

Molly Janczyk to June Hughes, February 26, 2007
Subject: Educator & Police/fire heros: To the public

But, June! Husted apparently feels we have all that time off to compensate us for those 'little pesky' incidents. Rather, we deal with conflict, act as counselors to families when children are in need on a daily basis with one counselor per school or several schools, constantly calling parents and consoling and resolving conflicts, planning so that each child meets his full potential, teach to Gr. level objectives and full time commitments for each subject, teach to Assessment objectives, go to inservices, supervise playgrounds, bus duties, work with counselors to test kids with problems, attempt to motivate parents simply to read with their child, (no easy task), and to ensure homework is done to practice skills needing assessments, encourage healthy diets and exercise, deal with kids who are unruly and disturb education with proper discipline, search our minds on how to reach those kids who seem unreachable demanding of ourselves to keep trying until we reach them and instill self discipline not done by their parents, keep constant control of our emotions in face of outlashes by students and parents who have no control over themselves or their children, internalizing stress until we become subject to stress related illnesses -- second only to air traffic controllers in a Newsweek article yrs. back.
But, hey! We 'get enforced unemployment' each summer! We have 2 choices: get paid all our salary during the school year or have that same salary lessened each month by having that dollar amount spread out over 12 months. Then we seek summer employment or second jobs to supplement our enforced unemployment.
We are asked to be everything to at risk kids. We must boost their self esteem when no one else does and make them feel they CAN do. We must be their sounding boards and trusted confidants and earn their respect so they will do all they can for themselves.
Teaching is not just presenting material and asking for assignments. Teaching is challenging ourselves to find a way to reach each child to capitalize on their strengths and work through their weaknesses. It is a constant process for success as we can only accept success to the best of each child's ability as our goal.
I have always challenged anyone who thinks less of educators to do one thing: Come to a class in a school with kids at risk due to drug and alcohol pregnancies, low functioning and or unwilling parents and take charge of it, plan and teach all objectives effectively outlined making sure each child has internalized these objectives, meet with parents and gain their faith and promise to help, organize centers and groups to work on collaborative projects providing for the instruction level of each child, deal with their emotional issues and lift their self respect, solve conflicts between students and families so educational environments are secure.
When any have done that, tell me 'Oh, teachers just want summers off.' We did not design the work year but because we want to teach endure it knowing we don't get the big bucks but that we previously would realized a secure pension and HC. Now, that has been taken away with HC costs prohibitive to retirees paying over $700 a month just for premiums for a recipient and spouse. Then high deduc., 20% out of pockets coinsurance and RX's up to $125 off formulary for a 3 month supply with the generic at $25 and name brand at $75. The average home has 20 RX's. Do the math. Our retirements have been robbed and most who can have gone back to work to pay for HC. Some have dropped HC or miss meds and treatments, sold homes, used financial security funds, with HC costs using so much of their pension cks. Some older retirees are billed by STRS as their pension does not cover their HC.
I have too, been in schools where teachers were beat up, hit, threatened, attacked both in school and robbed in parking lots. Cars have been stolen and personal items. I was the victim of robbery and it felt like a rape of my personal items as things were stolen of no monetary value along with credit cards, checks, etc. which could never be replaced. This was a few feet away from me and 30 other educators. Educators learn they cannot have purses with them ever containing anything. Even locked in trunks is a concern. It makes going to the grocery store and doing errands after school difficult on the way home. No one knows what it is like unless you have walked in the shoes of an educator. How dare anyone minimize what educators do for the community, for parents, for your children.
Please remember this when voting on issues regarding education.
From June Hughes, February 26, 2007
Subject: Re: Educator & Police/fire heros
I agree. There were many times parents would come to school 'looking' for a particular teacher. Some teachers have died or been beaten up! What about the crack heads and/or students with guns and knives? We didn't have guns or anything to protect ourselves except our smarts in how to deal with conflict -- especially females!!!!! Females don't usually have the strength to fight off a student. There was no motorcycle parade for a stabbed & killed female teacher like there was for police man who was killed while riding his motorcycle on his day off. There are no statues honoring us, either, like there are for fire persons and police officers. Usually it's considered the teacher's fault, and all in the name of trying to discipline a student so that other students can better him or herself with knowledge.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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