Monday, March 19, 2007

Tom Cooper on ORTA

Tom Cooper to Molly Janczyk, March 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Fw: Dr. Leone
RE: Members are not going to rejoin ORTA unless they get on the ball and get more proactive. Chuck Chapman Legislative Chair for Medina County
Ironic, in light of these events, Chuck, that you would make such a statement, because you are so right. I dropped my ORTA membership, a few years back, when it became clear that under Travis and Hanning, there was not going to be any change in the arrogance of the ORTA leadership. That was right about the time Travis' term ended. I did get a letter from Hanning last year, reminding me of the "benefits" of membership, which I ignored, as she herself has done to so many retirees.
In the past 6 months, however, it did appear that the tone of ORTA had become one of accepting to at LISTEN to all retirees voices and needs. I actually, in just the last 2 or 3 weeks, sat down and wrote a check to ORTA to renew the membership for both myself and my wife. Due to an unexpected illness and some physical problems, that came up rather quickly, the check did not make it from my desk into an envelope for mailing. I am pretty sure I can find other ways to spend those dollars that will be in the interest of my family without information about that product being denied.
What ORTA is saying to ALL retirees, is, we want your money, but we don't want your voice, unless you are telling us how good we are.. Just pay up and shut up.
Sorry. Been there -- done that...and I am DONE doing that.
T Cooper
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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