Monday, May 21, 2007

Letters to STRS Board re: Out-of-state travel

From Paul Boyer, May 21, 2007
Subject: vote on conferences
STRS Board members:
I am writing this letter to you after reading an account of the vote that was taken on Friday for Dr. Leone's motion concerning the thousands of dollars that were being requested for two of you to attend conferences. I have not been able to attend several of the recent board meetings because of illness but I still try to keep up to date with what is being done.
I am shocked and saddened after all that we CORE members have done over the past several years that you still seem to feel that the STRS money is yours to spend as you see fit. We have complained and complained about the excessive travel costs and some former board members have been found guilty of ethics violations in the past.
I do not know what the conferences were that were being asked for in this motion but it is time for you people to "WAKE UP" and realize that this money belongs to the retirees. ORC 3307.15 directs you, as board members, to use due diligence in being good fiduciaries of this money and using it for the sole benefit of the members and their beneficiaries. Need I copy that whole item into this letter? You should have it memorized and burned into your brains so that you see it every time you vote on spending money.
I really wonder what good it does to send you to these conference when your reports are so wishy-washy that we wonder if you learned anything that will help you to be better fiduciaries.
Please, "WAKE UP " and pay attention to the motions Dr. Leone makes to save our retirement. We will stand back of him 100%, all the way.
Thank you for your attention.
Paul L. Boyer
Retired since 1985
Life member OEA/OEA-R, NEA, ORTA, CORE
Proud to be named “Core” of CORE
by Dr. Dennis Leone
From Molly Janczyk, May 21, 2007
Subject: RE: vote on conferences
Board Members: We have asked for 4 yrs. for evidence that out of state conferences impact retirees. We have asked for reasons WHY it is felt a conference will benefit membership PRIOR to the conference; materials and videos brought back to inservice other Board Members assuming that the Board has seen the value in a particular trip and that NO SUCH INSERVICE EXISTS IN OR NEAR OHIO! If the same information is available in Ohio, there is not need to travel. THEN, an evaluation would be done by the entire Board determining IF the information provides NEW and INNOVATIVE or ADVANTAGEOUS practices NOT ALREADY KNOWN NOR COULD BE ACCESSED IN OHIO.
We can all find valuable sounding trips but usually nothing which cannot be accessed online or brought to Ohio. In the rare occasion that a one place only site is organizing an invaluable by all accounts inservice which positively impacts retirees, then present the info and why it is necessary vs. the ability to study it here.
With all due respect, I have no seen a difference in anyone's behavior after an inservice and we are not privy to any feedback other than 'it was great', 'it helped me' , etc.
Helped you what? Vote to approve contracts without documentation? Helped you hold meetings which should be public?
No corporation would stand for such lack of evidence of benefit or lack of evaluation of the inservice. I have been to very valuable inservices. We have to model what we learned, give inservices to other educators, and work the principles overseen by our supervisors.
Please consider what you will learn and how it's impact will be OBVIOUS to US! What is the problem with attendees addressing US with its benefits?
Of course, FIRST we would have to be convinced as would the Board that the value was not to be found elsewhere. You are spending our money...............why shouldn't you have to address us about it pre and post meeting. Convince us how our money should be spent.
Molly J.

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