Thursday, June 07, 2007

Duane Tron re: HB 151 and the War Against Terrorism

From Duane Tron, June 7, 2007
Subject: Ohio HB 151

Dear Educators & Public Employees (active & Retired),
Whereas; We fully understand the need to fight the "War Against Terrorism" I wish to share a few educated thoughts on this matter. Note I said, "a few educated thoughts?"

Please share some of the following thoughts with our overzealous, well intentioned, but uninformed lawmakers who want to force Ohio's five public pension funds from doing business with any company doing business with Iran or Sudan:

Point # 1 - Since when is it the responsibility of the Ohio General Assembly to intervene in US Foreign Policy, and or policy making decisions?

Point # 2 - Does this mean our pension funds will have to stop doing business with companies who do business with China, Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, Kuwait, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Venezuela to just name a few?

Why these countries? China sells military hardware including, but not limited to, medium range Silkworm missiles to Iran. China sells large quantities of ordinance in the form of anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles to Iran. Isn't China aiding and abetting Iran's military build-up in the Middle East? China provides microchips and other computer technology to Iran as well.

Russia, Germany, Pakistan, and France have provided nuclear engineers, providing nuclear technology, to Iran. Doesn't this support the aggressive acts of Iran in the defiance of the United Nations, thus posing a threat to stability and peace, in the region, and world? They also provide computer technology, software, equipment, GPS systems, advanced communication systems, etc.

Russia sells fighter aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary type (combat helicopters), to Iran. Russia has entered into multiple contracts to sell Iran some of the highest tech warships built in the world. They are providing their newest class of guided missile frigates to Iran that have the capability to destroy US aircraft carriers.

France and Germany continue to provide all kinds of technology, as well as automobiles, trucks, diesel locomotives, generators, and parts to build centrifuges.

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia refine about 70% of the gasoline Iran needs to run its economy. In addition, along with other named Islamic Republics, who provide huge sums of money to promote worldwide conversion of "infidels," us and our allies to Islam, they engage in anti-American activities intended to undermine our security and ability to secure peace in Iraq. Aren't they operating counter to our goals and policies in the region and especially Iraq?

Point # 3 - If our well intentioned, but woefully uninformed, lawmakers start down this road there is no end in sight as to how many companies we will have to stop doing business with! We will effectively isolate our state from the entire world and create outlandish, and unnecessary hardships, on our already challenged pension funds.

Please advise Ohio Lawmakers to leave foreign policy to the President and US Congress! We have more important issues needing addressed here in Ohio than for them to engage in ill-conceived ideas that are going to create more hardship for the good people of Ohio. HB 151 should not pass. As a lifelong student of government, history, and economics I will be happy to offer my services to Ohio's lawmakers, free of charge, to provide remedial courses in government and governing, in a Global Economy. They could definitely use some technical help right now on this piece of legislation. They need to understand that there are issues involving "separation of powers," and "checks and balances," that should be in play here, thus, better left to the federal government. Such legislation is totally alien to the concept of a "free market" economy and will achieve nothing apart from further damaging our pension funds.


Duane Tron
St. Paris, Ohio 43072
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company