Molly Janczyk to Ryan Holderman, June 5, 2007
Subject: Calling Representatives
Thank you, Ryan! Warren Co. is ALWAYS right on top of things and heavily involved in all important issues. YOU have been so valuable as a steadfast advocate for retirees since the beginning using your wonderful communication skills.
I wanted to mention Marvin today and certainly knew he must have been thoroughly involved and helpful as he always is but got involved in Lynne's involvement and lost sight. THANK YOU, MARVIN! YOU BOTH are GEMS!
Ryan, we are so lucky to call you a fervent friend of retirees.
**I can't believe no one answered-conveniently!
I always ask to speak to a live person who will take my message directly to the legislator and never simply leave a message with the person answering. BUT YOU CANNOT DO THAT IF NO ONE PICKS UP THE PHONE! Perhaps they have tired of our calling!
Thank you again, for your ever readiness to help with all issues, Ryan.
Maybe one day you will get a thank you from your 'other' organizations for your loyal help for them all vs. a generic thanks to all in a newsletter tho they don't seem to really mean 'all' since we are to be 'kept away from.' Molly
From Ryan Holderman, June 4, 2007
Subject: Calling Representatives
Dear Molly:
We had our W.C.R.T.A. meeting today and two of the hot topics were HBs 151 & 152. Marvin Bracy, Lynne Bracy's husband, did a wonderful job of getting the information out to our membership. He is our Legislative Committee Chairperson. As soon as I arrived home today I called the offices of Representatives Shannon Jones, Michelle Schneider and Senator Schuler. Interestingly I got answering machines on all three calls. This was after a message stating their office hours, etc. It seems they're not following those hours today!
The recording said to leave your name, number, and a brief message and that someone would get back to me as soon as possible.....somehow I think this will be AFTER tomorrow's I took the opportunity to express my opposition to the House Bill.
You'd think they'd have someone to man the phones on the eve of such an important vote!
E-mails that I had sent earlier to Representative Jones have gone unacknowledged. She is the Representative for our area. Interestingly, she is the legislator that has been invited to speak at our November W.C.R.T.A meeting. I have a feeling we'll have lots of questions and comments for her!
Later, Ryan
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