Monday, June 18, 2007

From CORE's John Bos......we are "continually being taken to the woodshed"

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007
Subject: Re: CORE's Jim Kimmel.... "we seem as underlings and a lower caste"
There is not a group that is more patriotic than the retired educator. I never knew a teacher that advocated violence or supporting an organization that did not treat people with the Golden Rule. Unfortunately, many others see this as a position of weakness. Their "Golden Rule" has become, "He who has the gold, makes the rules". As a result, we may again loose more of our retirement "promises". Unfortunately, most of us are not retired administrators at Orange Local with a second dip at the retirement counter. We are just plain honest folks from rural Ohio that are continually being taken to the woodshed. We need help. Perhaps Marc Dann can convince them that their actions are not legal.
From a "burned out retiree" who has been robbed by medical insurance premiums, social security reductions, lower retirement formulae, and a reduction in the retirement payments by active employees.
A Frustrated Ohio Retiree


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