Monday, June 18, 2007

Ohio being targeted by powerful lobby for YOUR MONEY

From John Curry, June 18, 2007
Subject: Re:
Will do. This Senate Bill "came out of nowhere" and was not called to educators' attention by either the OFT, OEA, or ORTA. It seems like this baby sneaked in under all or our radars! Will let you know when we get any input from the membership. AND, most importantly, THANKS FOR GIVING US THE HEADS UP.
Wake Up, Ohio!
June 18, 2007
Subject: Re:
John, Let me know what responses you get re SB 161. I'm having some people here take a look at it to see they think. We want to know where the idea to form a "Sudan Council" came from and can this concept be used to take control of public pension funds in Ohio and other states. Even states such as Colorado who already have the "normal" Sudan divestment bill passed could pass another one superceded by a "Sudan Council". Good luck with this one. Ohio has been truly targeted by all those wanting to destroy teacher and public employee pension funds. Ohio is one of the ten targeted by a powerful lobby because of it's assets. But what is happening in Ohio goes above and beyond what I've seen in the other nine states.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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