Tuesday, June 12, 2007

John Curry: Those "nasty companies" as taken from ORSC website (which subsequently was removed!)

From John Curry, June 12, 2007
Subject: Those "nasty companies" as taken from ORSC website (which subsequently was removed!)

My, my....wonder why the Ohio Retirement Study Council had this list removed from their website? Could it be that they received some political pressure because this list was premature? After all, the Ohio Retirement Study Council has and still makes available their postings for years back on other documents that they had previously posted at that website (

Or, could it be that rookie members of the House of Representatives who sponsored House Bill 151 were getting some pressures from Ohio companies who were listed and who definitely were not supporting terrorists in both Iran and Sudan? I'm talking companies like Coca Cola, Honda, and a company from Michigan who produces artificial joints for humans and hospital supplies (more on that company in an email soon to come)? Driving Hondas, drinking Coca Cola, and having an artificial hip joint pose a real terrorist threat to our country, don't they?

Or, maybe you have a thought on WHY this list was removed from the website.

In the past week, House Speaker Husted quickly brokered a negotiated settlement of this bill with Ohio's public retirement systems. This agreement radically pared the number of terrorist affiliated corporations down to a handfull from the original list that is on the Adobe download with this email.

In any case, this list disappeared during the last several days....removed after only a short time period in which the public could view it. In any event there are now more questions raised about the posting and quick removal of this list:

Who compiled this list? Where did the ORSC obtain this list from and/or from whom did they receive it? Who made the decision to post this list at the ORSC site? Who made the decision to pull this list from the ORSC site?

Probably the most important question is:

"Why does the Ohio Legislature want assume the role of the U.S. State Department by determining which companies should suffer from the withholding of investment moneys because of purported business dealings with terrorist nations?"

A federal judge in Illinois wanted to know answers to these same type of questions and...when told said reasons, declared the Illinois law (similar to Ohio's HB 151) unconstitutional!

Fiduciaries, listed companies, and taxpayers are due answers to all of the questions above. Will these questions ever be answered? Try asking your local state representative or state senator if they can answer these questions above....please let me know what they tell you - that is, if they will even touch these questions with a ten foot pole.

[The list is posted below. KBB]
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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