Thursday, June 07, 2007

Molly Janczyk: An easy way to say no to HB 152

From Molly Janczyk, June 7, 2007
Subject: Oppose Alternative retirement plans by going to the link
Easy access to say no to HB 152
From: Ohio Education Association ACES action center, June 7, 2007
Subject: Alternative retirement plans
Dear Molly Janczyk,
House Bill 152, sponsored by Representative Chris Widener (R-Springfield), would require school districts to establish alternative retirement plans for teachers and educational service professionals. These defined contribution plans would be offered by private companies and provide less retirement security to public employees than the defined benefit plans offered by STRS and SERS. OEA opposes HB 152 and believes its passage would have a negative affect on the pension and health care funding for the retirement systems. HB 152 is in the best interests of the private vendors who stand to profit from the bill but is harmful to the retirement security of public school employees.
Please contact your state representative and urge that they oppose HB 152.
You can take action on this alert via the web at:
We encourage you to take action by July 7, 2007
Say "no" to alternative retirement plans
INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPOND VIA THE WEB: If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this alert by going to the following URL:
Your letter will be addressed and sent to: Your Representative (if you live in Ohio)
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I am writing to voice my opposition to House Bill 152. This bill would require school districts to establish alternative retirement plans. These privately-run, defined contribution plans offer less retirement security than the defined benefit pensions offered by STRS and SERS. In a defined contribution plan, the employee takes on financial risk based on investment performance. Poor market performance in the years before retirement can greatly reduce retirement benefits. In contrast, the STRS and SERS defined benefit plans offer a stable, lifetime benefit that includes cost-of-living increases, disability and survivor benefits, and access to health care.
I am greatly concerned that the passage of HB 152 will have a negative affect on the pension and health care funding for the retirement systems. Allowing private companies to siphon new teachers and education service professionals into alternative retirement plans would serve the best interests of the vendors who stand to profit from the change. However, HB 152 is not in the best interests of the public education employees and retirees of Ohio.
I urge you to oppose HB 152.
Sincerely, Molly Janczyk
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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