Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sudan Divestment Task Force and the NEA convention: NEA wants YOUR pension system to divest

RA Action: News from the NEA Annual Meeting
July 2, 2007
NEA utilize its influence to have retirement systems develop policies of targeted divestment from companies on the Sudan Divestment Task Force’s Worst Offenders list. Also that the NEA inform its members and affiliates about the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Since many states are already divesting from these companies, their stocks are losing value, so divestment is fiduciary prudent.
Submitted by
Majority vote at regularly called meeting of the state delegation in connection with the annual meeting.
Jay Kaplan, Vermont
Relevant Operational Service (OS) Area
OS-2 Member Advocacy
Cost Implications
Assuming NEA would use its influence by sending a communication on this subject to member trustees and that members would be educated through existing electronic means, this NBI can be accomplished within the proposed 2007-08 Strategic Plan and Budget at no additional cost.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
web page counter
Vermont Teddy Bear Company