Monday, August 27, 2007

Mary Ellen Angeletti to Rep. Hite: You are playing politics with our money

From Mary Ellen Angeletti, August 27, 2007
Subject: HB 151
Dear Mr. Hite,
You are a retired teacher and also a co-sponsor of HB 151????? How can that be??? Mr. Hite, STRS pension money is your money and mine. Maybe you do not care about your pension but I do not want to jeopardize the money I have invested in the STRS fund. I NEED my pension and cannot afford to gamble with it. HB 151 IS a GAMBLE. Let the federal government work on foreign affairs, not the Ohio Legislature. Certainly HB 151 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. You and Mandel and Jones and Husted are playing politics and using pensioners' money to do it. This can only backfire when the STRS fund loses money big time. This simply cannot happen.
Mary Ellen Angeletti,
STRS retiree
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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