Tuesday, October 09, 2007

RH Jones: Fact or fiction information needed on STRS retired teacher banks!

From RH Jones, October 9, 2007
To Dr. Damon Asbury and all STRS retirees:
Re: Fact or fiction information needed on STRS retired teacher banks!
Buried deeply in this week’s Barberton Herald was a short paragraph that was not too clear to me. It mentioned that some banks were having trouble with fake STRS checks. Evidently STRS checks are easy to copy on commonly available home copiers.
And, K. Fluke, PhD. mentioned to me today that a retired teacher, who gets her check electronically, found that someone was getting into her account at Key Bank. All this is coming to my attention by “the grapevine”. I wonder if someone at our STRS can inform us as to the facts relating to this matter? Retirees, being ignorant of facts in this case can be financially hurt. We need facts fast (ASAP).
If true, should CORE send out an alert?
RHJones, STRS retired teacher & proud member of CORE
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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