Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama, Senator Wexler, and Divestiture

From John Curry, February 27, 2008
Subject: This removes the doubt, doesn't it? Obama, Senator Wexler, and Divestiture
"Iran divestment: Senator Obama introduced priority legislation strongly supported by the pro-Israel community to make it easier for states to divest their pension funds from Iran, as a means of increasing economic pressure to dissuade Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. The divestment idea grew out of a meeting between Senator Obama and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year."
Florida Senator Robert Wexler
The Jerusalem Post
Maybe candidate Obama and Senator Wexler can explain to the millions of stakeholders of all state pension systems why this desire to divest their monies isn't also the same desire for mandatory divestment by all U.S. banks, brokerage houses, and private investors holding stock ownership of those very same companies who do business with terrorist countries! The process of divestiture will cost my state retirement system (Ohio STRS) millions of dollars.
Using an old (but true) expression, if it's good for the goose....why isn't it also good for the gander? Why not spread the glory and/or cost of divestiture to all (not just state retirement systems) so that all can share equally in the accolades and/or the financial expenses related to divestment? Our U.S. Pledge of Allegiance ends in the words ......"with liberty and justice for all." Does this concept apply to all in this country except those who have invested their life's pension deductions in their respective state retirement systems?
I am not anti-Israel as I have the deepest respect for its people and share in the sorrow for all the atrocities that were imposed upon its people. The same respect goes out to them because they value a solid education for every one of their children. I know that "fairness" is a hallmark of their beliefs....where is the "fairness" in forced divestiture when it does not apply to all?
John Curry
A retired public school educator
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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