You may have started noticing "labels" at the end of various posts on this blog. Since I've just started using labels, and there are nearly 3600 posts on this blog, you won't see them on every post, nor do I even plan to add them to every post. It took me a while to figure out just exactly what labels are all about, but I finally did. Each label is a "clickable" link. What happens when you click a label is that you pull up all the other posts to which that label is affixed. For instance, if you click on the label "STRS," all the other posts that have been given that label will come up. I'm brand new at this, so it will be a "work in progress" for a while.
The other option for finding posts, which has been available all along, is to use the little search

engine at the upper left corner of this page. This seems to pull up the most recent posts with whatever keyword(s) you enter. To find earlier posts, you would need to do some digging around by clicking on dates in the Archives (over on the righthand side of the page) and just start hunting. My goal is to find most or all of the posts that have generated the most interest, and get them labeled. This will take a while. If you find a good one that hasn't been labeled, I hope you will call it to my attention. If nothing else, please send me the title and the date it was posted. I welcome all the help I can get with this project, and am open to suggestions. I hope, too, that you will find some use for this little feature. Thanks!
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