From John Curry, August 6, 2008
Subject: The Express Scripts list...why can't retirees get it?
[Click image to enlarge.]
Ms. Knoesel,
In July, a notice was sent to STRS retirees entitled, "Important Cost-Savings Notice." On one page, entitled, "General Information for Aetna and Medical Mutual Enrollees" there is a Q. & A. section entitled, "Frequently Asked Questions About Medicare Coordination of Benefits (COB)." This page is copied and included in this email. I call your attention to question #7:
"7. Which drugs/supplies are eligible for coordination under the Medicare COB program?
Select medications in the following therapeutic classes are eligible for coordination under Express Scripts' Medicare COB program:
Diabetic testing supplies; Respiratory medications and nebulizers; Immunosuppressive medications; Oral anticancer medications; and Oral antiemetric medications.
Note: The drugs/supplies eligible for coordination may differ at retail and mail. Please call Express Scripts toll-free at 1-866-685-2792 for a list of eligible drugs/supplies."
I have a question...and so do many other STRS retirees:
Q. Why are retirees given the run-around when they call this number and ask for a copy of this "list?" Retirees are telling me that they receive a denial that a list exists and/or they are told to only give the name of a particular Rx and that then, and only then, will they be told that this Rx is or is not eligible for coordination of benefits.
Thank you for your attention in this matter as many retirees are puzzled as to why they can't get this "list" that STRS advised, in the July mailing, was available .
John Curry
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