Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Molly Janczyk to Mike Nehf: When do we get a full Board?

From Molly Janczyk, November 4, 2008
Subject: Exec. Direc. Nehf: Vacant Chair(s) on STRS Board
Retirees have been asking why the STRS Board seat vacated by Geoffrey Meyers long ago ('05 or '06) has not been filled. Numerous calls and emails were directed to Bill Hartnett, Gov. Ass't, and Speaker Husted and Sen. Pres. Harris on this issue with no response. The Speaker and Sen. Pres. seem to feel they have no reason to respond to constituents.
Now, we have 2 vacated STRS Board seats. This is a huge problem for STRS shareholders and the current union dominating Board members vote in group once again, it seems. 2 votes are never heard on behalf of STRS shareholders even though SB 133 dictated 3 Investment Appointees to the STRS Board.
I have called and emailed all these offices personally many, many times to obtain an answer as to why our legislators do not have to follow SB 133. No one seems able to answer me except to say Husted and Harris do not have to answer me.
With today's election, I again seek answers to this question. There are to be '11' STRS Board members. Leone and Lazares asked many times as well with no luck on this issue. Of course, the unions must hope that their dominance will continue to rule being the majority of 9 Board members. 2 more still have them in majority but perhaps, (it could happen) that neutral thinking individuals with no political agenda (I know, probably not) may be appointed to at least invite objective discussion on behalf of shareholders.
Molly J.

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