Monday, November 03, 2008

RH Jones: Why we need to elect Brian Williams

From RH Jones, November 3, 2008
Ohio big money opposes Ohio public school friendly candidate

To all:
Today’s Beacon published a full page ad sponsored by a pro-charter school group opposed to the election of public school friendly 41st Rep. Brian Williams. It seems to me that this negative group has an awful amount of money in order to purchase such a large advertisement against Brian. I wonder: Are not charter schools paid for with taxpayer dollars? In other words, did they get the money from taxpayers or from the rich?
At any rate, the rank-and-file need to get out the vote for Brian. Unfortunately, many sources are predicting another GOP majority victory in the Ohio legislature.
Please, get the word out in the 41st District to support Brain Williams. It is time to get Ohio moving forward. Brian, along with a majority of fellow Democrats in the Ohio House, will be a large factor in getting the state to moving forward once again.
My opinion,
...a retired educator, as is Brian Williams
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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