Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Nora and Dick Cooper: Question about the 14% payment

From Molly Janczyk, November 5, 2008
Subject: RE: Question
STRS pays the employer portion of contributions for its OPERS staff. State workers are under OPERS. STRS staff pays its contributions into OPERS.
From Nora and Dick Cooper, November 5, 2008
Subject: Question
Nora and I have a question we hope you can answer. Did you mean in your recent email that the STRS Board has to pay OPERS 14% of these bonuses into the individual employees retirement account.. What then do the employees pay into OPERS for their retirement?
We just want to make sure we understand this Ok, I did not really know that these STRS employees were a part of the OPERS retirement system. Who else would have bonuses under the OPERS system that would require l4% payment for their employees?
Thanks for you help!
Nora and Dick Cooper
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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