From John Curry, November 16, 2008
Subject: There are back burner issues and, unfortunately, this is one of them! might want to pull up a chair.
"At this point in time, neither the House of Representatives not the Senate is expected to advance GPO/WEP legislation during the 110th Congress." [A title of the ORTA webpage from which this quote was taken]. This information was obtained from The Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security.
The quote above is the ending statement of several paragraphs that ORTA published in their coverage of GPO/WEP. They do accurately portray the 110th Congress on this issue and the chances for the reversal of the GPO/WEP are about as likely to happen as the elimination of our national debt "ain't" gonna' happen in the near future....or even in the almost-near future! It won't happen until and unless there is a great public clamoring to do so and I don't see that happening either. The 110th session of Congress ends on Jan. 3, 2009 with the 111th soon to follow....don't look for any front burner activity early in that Congressional agenda either. So, fellow retirees with a significant number of paid "quarters" in Social Security, you might want to pull up a chair!
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