Monday, April 20, 2009

WKRC comments re:STRS/Jim Stoll video on WKRC Cincinnati

From John Curry, April 20, 2009
The comments below were emailed to WKRC (Channel 12) Cincinnati after they ran the story of the STRS bonus fiasco and an interview with active teacher candidate for the STRS Board - Jim Stoll, If you click on the link below you will be taken to that video footage.
missopinion - 4/17/2009
More dumb decisions...surprise!!!
Lo Beam - 4/17/2009
This should be illegal. Workers get no pay raise or laid off this year but upper management gets bonuses? It's wrong in so many ways. This has to stop!
marcusT - 4/17/2009
This only stands to reason, be a failure as a banker and take home millions in taxpayer dollars, be a failure in the education system, same rewards. Is anyone really surprised?
sniderfamily - 4/16/2009
It's time for the STRS board to be held accountable for their decisions and actions. Their priorities should be about the retirees rather than the employees of STRS who don't even pay into STRS, but into PERS. STRS retirees have been lucky to have John Lazarus and Dennis Leone on the STRS board; however John Lazarus' is no longer a board member, and Dennis Leone's term is up as of August. Jim Stoll is a person who is not afraid to expose the ridiculous bonus checks of STRS employees. Thanks to channel 12 News for letting people know what type of board members are on the STRS board. Thanks to Jim Stoll to have the courage to let the public know about the bonuses and who approved them (STRS board). Dennis Leone did NOT agree for giving bonuses while STRS is losing money. STRS board members should be concerned 100% about STRS retirees,educators who are paying into retirement, and future retirees who have just started in the field of education. Those of you active teachers who can vote for an active STRS board member should give serious consideration to Jim Stoll. He's not afraid to speak up to do the right thing for educators and the public.
Bugscuffles - 4/16/2009
I want to thank Jeff Hirsh and Jim Stoll for calling attention to the outrageous performance based incentive bonuses being paid by the State Teachers Retirement System at a time when the value of the investment portfolio has lost 40% of its assets to the tune of $33 billion in the past 16 months! Sixty-six employees have base salaries of $140,000 to $529,000, higher than the governor's. Thirty-three associates received base salary raises from $10,000 to $39,000. The latter figure represents more than many retirees' annual pension. It is projected that the health care stabilization fund will be depleted by 2018 leaving retirees to find and fund 100% of their health care. Also, at the March 2009 STRS Board meeting it was reported by the STRS staff that "unless changes are made, the system would eventually be unable to pay members' earned benefits." I would encourage those interested in more information to go to,

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