Friday, July 10, 2009

Sondra Stratton: Letter to Senator Tom Niehaus

From Sondra Stratton, July 9, 2009
July 9, 2009
OH Senator Tom Niehaus
Senate Bldg.
Columbus, OH 43215
Dear Mr. Niehaus,
I am responding to your letter, dated May 28, 2009, in which you responded to the concerns I voiced about State Teachers Retirement System and the problems which have occurred since the aftermath of 9/11 in a previous letter. Actually, the problems to which I referred have been long standing but came to light after our national disaster.
Mr. Neihaus, I know for a fact that Duke Snider, Al Rhonemus, and myself (and I am 99% positive others from Brown County also contacted you) asking for your help in getting some of these problems resolved. You asked to be kept informed and acted as though you knew nothing about the state pension systems. I know that over time I have heard Duke, especially, state that he had written, called, or talked to you with additional concerns/information.
Your response to my concerns was condescending and you still don’t seem to understand about STRS and the way in which change MUST to be made. Mr. Niehaus, I was among the first group of retirees to get involved in trying to instigate change at STRS and I can assure you that I do not nor have I ever taken lightly, ignorantly, or flippantly anything I have asked to be done at STRS.
STRS is an institution that teachers have paid money into and we were told…No…. GUARANTEED that we would receive a decent retirement with, “a Cadillac” healthcare plan. Now you may understand that STRS is working under costs but when people are making more in a year than teachers with a college (Plus) education, made in 10 years, there is something drastically wrong. Those who run and are employed at STRS exert the attitude that the pension system is there for THEM not the retiree. This is just plain wrong……and I believe addressed in ORC 3307.15.
You seem to think I have asked you to support a bill that would STOP the tremendous bonuses at STRS in a negative year as a passing fancy. I can assure you with all the HUNDREDS of HOURS I have spent dealing with this situation that where I am concerned, this is no passing fancy & certainly no whimsy. I fully comprehend what I have asked of you. Retirees would not ask politicians to intervene if there was any other way. There is, however, unfortunately NOT. All other venues have been exhausted! Mr. Niehaus, have you been in the OH senate for 8 … years and not understand that change in the public retirement systems has to occur through legislative action?
You say that STRS has agreed to stop the bonuses this year. If you have faith in STRS to live by their word and to continue this policy once the subject dies down, then you are not educated enough about the situation and the actions that are needed to see that it STOPS permanently. WHY HAS STRS WAITED FOR SO LONG???? THEY HAVE BEEN ASKED OVER AND OVER TO STOP THIS PRACTICE!!!! Retirees travel to STRS meetings month after month from all over OH and STRS has yet to hear, listen, or have any level of empathy for retirees!!!!! We have asked, and asked for change. The majority of decision makers at STRS have been deaf and dumb!!! The only way to declare retirees' needs and wants are by legislative measures. If retirees stood a ghost of a chance to get the changes that are needed without asking for legislation, it would have happened in 2002, not still be ongoing in 2009, and be a moot point!!
I again ask of you
• Support HB 177 to take the decision to give bonuses to employees on years when they have LOST money from STRS (So far all we have heard is that they DID NOT lose as much as others. Sorry, I worked damned hard for 30years (plus) and that is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Teachers in OH, past and present deserve better!) We worked for pennies compared to other professions with a college education, we paid in to support those who have gone before us and then are told, “Sorry, but we have to think of those who are to come.” Well, I am here and I can tell you living is not great!!! Please do not let this bill be buried!!!!! It makes more sense to make changes to those who have not retired than to try and change the situation for those who have retired, many of whom are no longer able to work.
• There needs to be measures that prevent huge salary increases in years when bonuses are not given.
• Make necessary changes for STRS employees to pay INTO STRS instead of OPERS. That would give them incentive to work FOR the system they bleed dry. At present they have absolutely NO INCENTIVE to do anything other than rape our retirement savings!
• STOP STRS from ENDING or REDUCING the 3% COLA!!! The COLA needs to be compounded or raised, not lowered!
• END the 35 years/88% rule.
It is unfair to teachers who taught longer but because they were already retired, did NOT get the increase percentage. It is also a drain on STRS!! It should have never been enacted in the first place as it was done by STRS board members in order to pad their own retirement with no consideration as to what it would cost or do to the retirement system! The same people who were criminally charged for over-indulgence and self entitlement of our funds. Again, YOU are our elected official, (you can be assured that knowledgeable teachers/retirees in your district are in agreement) to enact legislative measures to assure retirees that action is being taken to stop STRS abuses and assure the pensions that we paid into and for which we worked! (I believe I mentioned one person getting a $39,500 raise for one year. I don’t know about you but to those of us who sacrificed to teach Ohio’s children that is criminal)!
When retirees see STRS putting retirees first, employees receive the exact same HC insurance, benefits and costs, take a pay reduction, stop raises until STRS is once again solvent, employees take a pay reduction in addition to NO BONUS, then I believe retirees would be willing to talk. However, I imagine you will be able to skate in a very hot place long before that ever happens.
Retirees have already lost the 13th check yet employees lost or gave nothing. They continue to get ridiculous raises and bonuses and now discuss taking the small raise that we get?? I honestly don’t know how they sleep at night! The 3% COLA does not even begin to keep up with cost of living. Each year retirees are getting further and further behind. It is not right and MUST STOP!
In closing, we have asked for, needed your help and support for 6 years and you have turned your back on us the entire time. It is an INSULT to tell me what you understand when you have been so useless in STRS matters. The only legislator that has sincerely/consistently tried/helped us is Representative Danny Bubp and he was even away supporting our country for part of time.
I am sure you do not appreciate this letter. We have not appreciated your lackadaisical attitude nor your lack of support and effort on our part. Your time is about up and you seem to be coasting the rest of the way. I just hope that you do not run for any further public office as I will not support you in any future endeavors. As the area representative in my place, it your duty to support or vote the way that I ask. I anticipate that you will readjust your opinion of the problems and solutions to STRS and do the right thing.
An unhappy retiree,
Sondra K. Stratton
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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