Rich DeColibus: An Open Letter to Bob Stein
Subject: An Open Letter to Bob Stein
Dear Mr. Stein,
In case you have been unavoidedly distracted elsewhere, most retirees who follow the STRS follies (regrettably few) are less than pleased by your recent vote to shell out $3.4 million in bonuses to employees

"I would have voted to eliminate

Gosh, that seems clear enough: the PBI program stinks like road kill

In a recent letter to one of the members, you state:
"The processes that created a 2009 plan that was apparently not well enough understood by the membership have not been completely addressed -- but those processes were not part of the PBI motion. The misunderstanding about the 2009 PBI plan also might be as simple as a collection of oversights by the membership -- not realizing that the stock market could go down or that STRS had exposure in that area."

First of all, if you can find me one member who doesn't understand the stock market sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down, I would be truly astounded. Most of us didn't graduate from college with degrees in basketweaving. Secondly, allow me to clarify your thinking: the major problem of the PBI program has nothing to do with the process that created it, the problem is the program exists at all. So there is no misunderstanding on your part, allow me to state, with as much crystal-clear intent as I can muster, what we want: WE WANT THE PROGRAM ELIMINATED. If there is some uncertainty in your mind

As for the nonsense of, "Oh my god, they could sue us!" the fact of the matter is anybody can sue anyone at any time for any reason. If STRS lost a similar case, they must have been using ten-dollar-an-hour attorneys from lawyers-r-us

Dissemble all you want, as far as I am concerned you voted to throw 3.4

Rich DeColibus
[Former president of the Cleveland Teachers Union]
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