Monday, April 12, 2010

John Curry to Tim Myers: Why don't you go to the source for answers?

From John Curry, April 12, 2010
Subject: Curry to Myers re. Myers to Curry
Since you are asking me what Dennis is "saying," why don't you go right to the source and ask Dennis? Here is his email address: I'm sure he will be glad to reply.
As far as what does and what doesn't get on Kathie's blog, she is the blog master and here is her email address so that you can ask her: I am sure that she will be glad to reply.
From Tim Myers, April 12, 2010
Subject: [No subject]
This is the fiduciary duty that Dennis never understood! We can disagree on the vote, but then EVERYONE supports the decision after it is over. Even the one's you disagree with.
So is Dennis saying that Stoll is lying? Why isn't that getting on Kathie's blog?
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