Saturday, March 05, 2022

STRS Investment Employees' Compensation: the most recent data available (FY 2021-22)

From John Curry

March 5, 2022
Thanks to Thomas Curtis of the Ohio STRS Member Only Forum and his Freedom of Information request we now have the latest and most up-to-date information on the STRS Investment Staff, who received bonuses. It includes their salaries, bonuses and geographic pay amounts. This document was received by Tom in February and he would like for me to share it with you.
If you are wondering what "geo" (geographic) pay means it is extra pay that some of our investment associates receive for living and working in one of our four "satellite offices" in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco and New York City.
Bonus pay and geo pay (if they receive it) are combined and found in the second column identified as "Total PBI Payment." The two columns need to be added together to get their TOTAL COMPENSATION. Geo pay is extra pay if you live near one of the STRS satellite real estate offices located in San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta or New York City.

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