Monday, April 18, 2022

Dean Dennis exposes a myth perpetrated by OEA candidates for STRS Board; and it's even backed up by STRS

From Dean Dennis
April 18, 2022
Active Teachers, Read What the STRS Actuary Shares:
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OEA candidates post it's a "Myth" that you are receiving a negative value on your Members Contribution (77 cents on a dollar). Then STRS backs them up. No surprise. The exact amount of pennies to the dollar isn't the issue. The issue is you are on a path to receive less value in retirement than what you are currently contributing. You need candidates who will fight for you.
STRS probably wasn't pleased their own actuary, Cheiron, set the record straight:
"It is odd to see a system where the Member Contributions are exceeding the cost of the benefits being earned." - Gene Kalwarski, Cheiron (3/17/22 STRS Bd Meeting)
Vote Julie Sellers and Steven Foreman for the active seats and Elizabeth Jones for the retiree seat. It's not too late to vote. Forward this throughout your district and to teachers you know in other districts.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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