Sunday, April 09, 2006
From: Shirlee Zerkel
To: Mark Meuser
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006
Subject: Bath LSD
Mr. Meuser, My name is Shirlee Zerkel who tried to pass out election information on behalf of CORE. I live in Bath District, taught there many years ago and my children graduated from Bath. I would like to share the story of what happened to me on Thursday.
I had secured permission from the school administration, went directly to the office, picked up my visitor pass and told them exactly what I was planning to do. I only talked to people who appeared willing to listen. I went to the lady teachers' lounge where about 7 teachers were eating the last lunch mod of the day.
I smiled and was ready to introduce myself when Sue Iden, an OEA building rep, held out her hand as I reached to put some flyers on the table, so I handed her one of my flyers. She handed it back and then told me that I could not pass out such information in the building and that they were OEA. I said that I also was an OEA life member and wanted the teachers to be informed about all of the candidates. She told me that I was not allowed to pass out any information and referred me to a memo on the bulletin board from Gary Allen. I tried to read the bulletin, but she continued to tell me that I was in the wrong and she continued in the same point of view as I left the room.
I have now secured a copy of the memo she was referring to. The following comment on Mr. Allen's memo may have been what she was referring to: "As the exclusive representative for our members, OEA has the right to communicate with our members about union matters and issues, including endorsed candidates. Outside entities do not enjoy the same right to access to our members."
I also believe that OEA in that school is the exclusive representative in union matters and issues, but I do not agree that it is when it comes to elections. Every teacher should have the right to complete information about the candidates.
I agree that this statement of Mr. Allen's was not a definite directive, but it does indicate that in an OEA school district OEA has exclusive rights and other entities do not. That statement also implies that only the OEA in such districts has the right to communicate with teachers about elections. That also is vague. What elections? STRS, state, federal or all elections?
Also looking at your email, I would like to say that in Feb. when we were trying to get petitions signed, a CORE friend of mine was in Bath Middle school and was treated exactly the same way by the local OEA President, Mike Jordan, when she had the permission of the administrators. for what she was doing.
I thank you for listening to my experience and for being so willing to answer Molly's email concerning this incident.
Thank you for addressing our concerns,
Shirlee Zerkel
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