Monday, September 11, 2006

Jones to Speas: Endorsement from ORTA "may" lead the way

From RH Jones, Sept. 11, 2006
Thank you for responding. The word "may" means to me that IRS permits endorsement. Comparing the STRS Bd not minding their legal advice is a different matter. Each involves a separate interpretation. This election is too important to retirees to: "go slow", "to be careful of what you say", "to be cautious in our approach" and to be "conservative". The Conservatives have made a mess of education in Ohio since they came in power in 1991. Nationally they are doing no better. Getting them out-of-office should be our #1 priority. They are responsible for the state and national problems with HC/Rx. The best solution is simple: use our voting power to correct this. Endorsement from ORTA "may" lead the way.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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