Monday, September 11, 2006

Speas and Jones: More discussion

Dave Speas to RH Jones, September 10, 2006
Subject: Re: your letter Bob:

Bob, The key term in John's copy of the law is the word "may" and not can. In some instances a 501C4 may endorse and in others they cannot. They may be conservative in their judgment but the STRS board members went against legal advise and see what it got them. Thanks for sharing and I will be working hard in getting new blood into the statehouse and legislature. We, as Americans, CAN disagree and still work in concert for shared ideals and priorities. My best to you. Dave
RH Jones to Paul Boyer, September 10, 2006
Subject: Re: your letter Bob:

Glad you're feeling better. You and I have both agreed and disagreed in the past. That's good. We're Americans. I hope we are both around so that we can agree/disagree well into the future.
You stated that you wondered how I felt about STRS Bd. Mems. Dennis and John. I think they are doing GREAT! They are the best thing that has happened at STRS since Groethaus(sp?) was the STRS Director. ORTA is a different matter altogether. ORTA didn't endorse Dennis or John. They endorsed someone else and got burned by their mems. They then got out of the business of endorsing and should get another legal opinion or can stand to lose membership. I would like to see them back on the right track once again. We desperately need strong STRS retiree input into politicians, if they expect our vote. And if we vote as a block, all the better.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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