Thursday, October 26, 2006

Good ideas from June Hughes and Duke Snider

June Hughes to John Curry, October 23, 2006
Subject: Re: Is it time for another visit to the Statehouse? Food for thought!
Please feel free to share any or all. I could go on and on with other increases, but this should be enough to get the point across. A new point: Today, out at Costco and definitely cheaper than from Caremark!! Also one which is a brand prescription at Kroger, is only going to be $1.99 higher than Caremark. They give senior discounts with no questions asked. If Caremark is so very big then why can't they even compete with a grocery chain?
Oh I forgot, the CEO and CFO want to play golf and their fees have gone up! {sarcasm} I dislike WalMart's hiring and health care practices but I will drive to Indiana when available, for a $4 prescription or ask a friend in Tampa to buy my supply. If I buy the usual 90 day supply, then it'll be $12. Is Caremark going to compete? I just checked Wal Mart's generic list and both of my generics are there for a $4 month supply!! Want to check the list? Click here.
Hope this works to get access to the list. If not, send me name(s) and I'll look it/them up for whoever is interested. June Am I tic'd off and P.O'd? You bet I am!!!!
June Hughes to John Curry, October 23, 2006
Subject: Re: Is it time for another visit to the Statehouse? Food for thought!
And, for the next board meeting, if necessary, I'll rent a motel room if the board tries their wait-until-Friday trick again!!! I do have a credit card I haven't used in a long long time!! Who can afford the increase in interest rates? I can always pack my own food in a cooler for that long. Know what I mean? Let's go to Columbus, what's the date?
My water bill has increased 3 times and is almost double, prescriptions have doubled and tripled, gas and electric I don't even want to talk about (I'm closing off rooms so I don't have to heat or cool them), I know that gasoline prices will go up as soon as the election is over, my property taxes went up 25% THIS year alone! And I get a piddley little 3% COL and now will have to pay more for my Medicare going back to 2005!
The convicted governor along with nonsupporting legislature members of education appoints someone to be on the board who has no financial worries, unless he is living beyond his means or 'knows someone' to supplement his income. If I MUST conserve some more, so does the STRS board - NO trips, NO free lunch, NO free day care, NO free cars, NO credit cards, NOTHING extra.
If the board members can't get along without any of these, then let others who know how to cut corners take their place(s) and KNOW how to use the Robert's Rule of Order without being sarcastic and rude!!! Did they treat their unsuspecting cornered students this way? I think some of these board members aren't very smart and I know they didn't learn common courtesy!
I'm getting fed up - we retirees need additional power like impeachment for board members lack of being able to think or not take time to learn the issues before voting for anything. They need to study economics and understand the depression some retirees are living in or will soon! Well excuuuuuuuuse me for living this long!!!
June Hughes, October 23, 2006
Subject: Re: Is it time for another visit to the Statehouse? Food for thought!
I agree!!! June
Duke Snider to John Curry, October 22, 2006
Subject: Columbus--Food for thought
John, I have said this months ago, that it is time for retirees and active teachers to go to Columbus AGAIN. The only way for the board to understand is to have a very peaceful demonstration with thousands of people in attendance voicing their displeasure with the majority of STRS board members and some employees. I will and have voiced my displeasure to our state rep., Danny Bubp. I have no problem discussing this problem with him again. If retirees and active teachers decide to have a march, then we need many people of importance to speak. I feel many dignitaries would participate if they knew the entire situation. I don't think it's right to sit back and let Dennis and John take the heat. Again, I think a march would have a great impact. Maybe if they discovered a march was being planned, they would change or possibly resign. Food for thought.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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