Tuesday, October 24, 2006

John Curry, Lima News: Shreefer has helped teachers

John Curry: Letter to the Editor, Oct. 24, 2006 The Lima News
Dennis Shreefer is running for 4th District State Representative
Kudos to Dennis Shreefer from a retired educator. Dennis has fought hard for the workers at LCI, but he also has done likewise for reform at the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio. Three years ago — long before Dennis ran for public office — he participated with Ohio retired and active educators at a reform rally on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse. Why was Dennis there? Well, that can best be summed up in one word: justice.
Shreefer knew that mismanagement, misspending and an entitlement philosophy existed at the Ohio State Teachers Retirement System and he spoke out against it at that rally sponsored by Concerned Ohio Retired Educators.
Dennis has joined Concerned Ohio Retired Educators and has also attended our Allen County Retired Teachers Association meetings. His and our efforts were recently rewarded as a former executive director and six former STRS Board members of Ohio STRS were found guilty of Ohio ethics violations and were sentenced. He cared for our cause and about injustices practiced at a state pension system, which were less than ethical. He was there for us and he will be there for the residents of Allen County. He cares for the common man.
John Curry
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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