REASON #24: Betty often seems a bit confused about the facts…
It’s pretty clear that Betty’s confused about what her job is—that must be why she doesn’t do it very well.
She also seems to become confused by the facts whenever something goes wrong in state government.
Take the controversy that erupted over misspending at the State Teachers Retirement System a few years ago. Plain Dealer reporter Stephen Ohlemacher’s reports led STRS Executive Director Herb Dyer to resign when it was revealed that he and the STRS board had handed out millions in bonuses and spent tons of retiree money on travel and artworks for the fund’s palatial HQs. He eventually was found guilty of violating the state’s ethics laws for taking gifts from companies doing business with the fund. (Kind of like that Taft guy, huh?)
Funny thing is—okay, it’s not so funny—Montgomery had representatives on the Board the whole time. When the scandal broke she told Ohlemacher that her folks were outvoted or ignored whenever they raised questions about the misdeeds. She didn’t say much about why she didn’t make the problems public—she probably forgot, too busy handing out no-bid contracts and stuff like that.
There’s only one problem, Ohlemacher does his job a lot more thoroughly than Betty does hers. He checked the STRS meeting records and found that her designees had gone along with every vote on expenditures between 1999 and 2003.
Ooops. The facts can sure be pesky, can’t they?
Betty’s confused—Reason 24 to make sure she doesn’t become Ohio’s next AG. Huh? Say What?
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