Sunday, October 29, 2006

Kathie Bracy to Conni Ramser: You'll go down in the annals of history, but.....

From Kathie Bracy, October 29, 2006
Subject: Your remarks in the Canton Repository
Ms. Ramser,
I am surprised that you haven't been fired from your teaching job long before this, if you don't know how to handle misbehaving children in your class other than to get your superiors to suspend them. I taught 30 years in the Columbus Public Schools; I don't think you'd have made it there. When a child acts out in the classroom, it is YOUR JOB, as the child's teacher, to find out what the problem is and to address it, not suspend him right off the bat. There are many steps between the initial misbehavior and suspension, at least in most school districts. And I don't know of ANY teacher who has the power to suspend a child.
When you were quoted in the Canton Repository about Dr. Leone's behavior, you were WAY out of the bounds of propriety. Your statement reflected only on you and no one else. I have absolutely no respect for anyone whose shortsightedness compels them to criticize another's behavior, not his actions. I have YET to see you single out any inappropriate actions on the part of Dr. Leone as a member of the STRS Board. You have to go after his behavior, because there isn't anything else to go after, is there? Why the hell are we talking behavior, when there are thousands of retirees who need help (which Dr. Leone is trying to do) and we have to suffer the machinations of an insensitive, short-sighted, ego-inflated Board chair whose education, background, knowledge, experience and attitude pale ad infinitum, compared with the one she is trying to jerk around?
Take a look at yourself, Conni. I don't know how long you had that credit card, and I don't know how many other SECRET perks you may have accepted behind our backs (hell, do we need to call in the OEC again?), but we retirees are not wondering why you are so anxious to extend Damon's contract; it's pretty damned obvious to us. You can mock us all you want behind our backs, but you have damaged your credibility and respectability beyond repair. It doesn't do any good to demand that you step down from your post, because you won't do it; you're having too much fun there. It must feel "real good" to PUBLICLY put down people who are one hell of a lot smarter than the incredibly incompetent individual currently sitting as Board chair.
I don't know how you can hold up your head at Board meetings when you see all those retirees sitting out there in front of you and you're having a good time at their expense and that of thousands more. I hope you are enjoying the ride, while it lasts. You'll go down in the annals of history, but not as an individual of insight, intelligence, leadership and compassion. That's reserved for those who truly possess those qualities; I think we both know who I'm talking about.
Kathie Bracy
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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