Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Educators-help send Betty Montgomery to the woodshed!

WINNER!!!! MARC DANN Nov. 7, 2006
From John Curry, November 05, 2006
Subject: Educators-help send Betty Montgomery to the woodshed!
Active teachers, retired educators, and your families,
Please help do your part on Tuesday and mark a vote for Marc Dann for Attorney General. Betty Montgomery allowed a scandal to blossom right under her nose when she was a State Teachers Retirement System Board member - she allowed millions of dollars to be misspent and mismanaged while doing nothing. She certainly got one thing right with one of her famous quotes: "I am guilty of doing nothing!" She later apologized to educators for being asleep at the switch. It's too late, Betty. Now it's your turn to get the switch!
John Curry - retired Ohio educator
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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