Candidate Dennis Shreefer "straight up"

MORE POTENTIAL MISCHIEF FROM FORMER STRS BOARD MEMBERS: What is there about STRS board membership that brings out the rule-bending in otherwise educated, bright people who certainly should know better. Former board members, Joseph Endry, Eugene Norris and Deborah Scott and current member, Michael Billirakis, are accused of accepting pricey tickets to the Broadway show, "Hairspray". Billirakis allegedly accepted some Cleveland Indians tickets for good measure. Early reports are that most will cop a plea deal. Moral for future board members - WHEN IN DOUBT...PAY YOUR OWN WAY!
UPDATE: On September 19th, two guilty pleas; two no contest pleas (all convicted for ethics violations) - a little probation here, a dash of community service there, and the four go on with their lives. The freebies came from the Russell Investment Group. Billirakis said he thought the trip was sponsored by the board and the lawyer for Endry and Scott said "They had no way of knowing...blah, blah, blah." And the beat goes on. One piece of good news - Billirakis resigned from the board Thursday, September 14th. Is his NEA seat next?
P.S. Investigators are still looking into the conduct of senior retirement fund officials.
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