Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Molly Janczyk to Mark Meuser: What are Tim Daugherty's strengths, expertise?

From Molly Janczyk, November 1, 2006
Subject: Tim Daugherty
Mark, I see you have nominated a Tim Daugherty for the vacant seat on the STRS Board. May I ask his history regarding qualifications for the Board? What specific expertise does he offer which will help with oversight, investment insight and business tactics?
I realize most don't come with these qualifications but membership is tired of long learning periods and little understanding of or experience with Board practice, real interaction and hard work toward solutions vs. politics and grandstanding or simply uninformed.
Please help us with his strengths to hit the ground running so we can make progress ASAP and ability to be open and accepting toward all ideas and think creatively to make things happen for membership.
Why Tim Daugherty? We have heard Tom Hall's expertise many times. Tai Hayden was presented a while back and info is easily found and obtained. I cannot find anything on Tim Daugherty except he works for Steubenville Schools as a Counselor which we knew from his entry.
Is Tim associated with OEA serving as a member of a committee or office or board or any capacity other than member?
There is no doubt, Conni and probably Puckett will support your candidate. We would like to know something about him.
Thank you,
Molly Janczyk
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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