Friday, January 19, 2007

Kathie Bracy: A letter to Michelle Schneider

Kathie Bracy to Rep. Michelle Schneider, January 19, 2007
Subject: About your Alternative Retirement Plan legislation

Dear Representative Schneider,
I am more than disappointed -- I am SHOCKED that you would wish to sponsor legislation that would destroy a pension system for Ohio's retired teachers with your proposed Alternative Retirement Plan legislation. Our pension system at STRS has worked just fine for decades, providing a stable and reliable income for Ohio's retirees and a viable "carrot" for attracting new teachers. Why fix something that "ain't broke?"
The answer is obvious. I don't know what party you belong to, but you sure sound like a leftover, ethically-challenged Republican from the Taft era to me (sorry -- I'm a lifelong Republican to whom the word "Republican" has become a dirty word), attempting to continue the culture of greed in the Strickland administration. I cannot help but wonder what's in this kind of legislation for you and your friends, but I suspect there's plenty of $$$$$ to be made by ALL of you if this legislation goes through. Nobody consulted the teachers! Where's the open discussion on this? Why would you be interested in encouraging young teachers to risk gambling their retirement away? Where are the studies showing this would be a GOOD thing for active and retired teachers? I can see current and future retired educators, as well as employers (school districts) and our pension system suffering equally while investment houses laugh all the way to the bank!!!!!!!!!! And more to the point: why is this legislation aimed solely at EDUCATORS, and NOT AT THE OTHER FOUR PENSION SYSTEMS, INCLUDING YOUR OWN OPERS??? Hey -- fair is fair!! Go after THEM, TOO!!
Greed, greed, greed, greed, GREED!!! Whatever happened to common DECENCY? I will gladly support those who are HONEST and DO THE RIGHT THING, I don't care WHAT party they belong to. Which camp are you in?
Angry? You bet!! Sick and tired of those who would screw our pension system!
Katherine B. Bracy
STRS retiree
Columbus, OH
(Phone no.)
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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