Friday, January 19, 2007

Molly Janczyk to Michelle Schneider: Your agenda and denying guaranteed benefits to young educators

From Molly Janczyk, January 19, 2007
Subject: From Molly - About your Alternative Retirement Plan legislation
Rep. Schneider,
Your lack of concern for educators is most apparent with your opposition to HCA legislation and this Alternate Pension Proposal. You have allegedly evidently padded your future off of nursing homes according to sources and do not have to worry about your retirement while you want introduced legislation to confuse young educators into denying themselves guaranteed benefits choosing instead alternate plans when we all know they can never save enough for their retirement and HC.
Educators are leaving their profession and or Ohio due to its lack of attention to their futures. New businesses asked to come to Ohio first wish to know what our education goals are before coming to a state so lacking and with a history of low priority for education. You are part of this problem and indifferent to our needs and pleas to you never responding or reacting pro education. You are one of 10 legislators known to be anti-friendly to educators. What a legacy you have!
You and others are being monitored to inform communities of your priorities and lack of them for educators. It is sad when personal agendas are more important than the future of our state.
Molly Janczyk
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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