Monday, February 19, 2007

Sondra Stratton: BIG difference between generic and the real thing; Caremark should be reported for attempting to change prescriptions

From Sondra Stratton, February 19, 2007
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Re: Shirlee re. Caremark
There is a place that you can turn Caremark in to for trying to change your prescription. I will ask but I had it once before. THEY provide the medicine and are NOT prescribers. This needs to be reported. I will email the person who gave me the information.

Also, there IS a difference with the real thing and generic!!! The main ingredient may be the same but the problem therein lies in the FILLERS. If you have no allergies, then you might be OK but for people like me who are allergic to many things, it is NOT OK. For instance. I have Tramadol for back pain. The first generic was OK. Then they started getting it from another company and it did squat! There is a difference. Now we have the problem of Caremark getting generics with different names from other countries. I have a friend who has had a similar problem to the lady that wrote recently. I have notified her that she may also have the same problem. I believe she is going to look into it.

I will send the info of where to report Caremark as soon as I have it. Probably within a day or two.

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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