Saturday, March 17, 2007

Molly Janczyk to ORTA, Tom Seamon: You give after-the-fact notice?

From Molly Janczyk, March 16, 2007
Subject: ORTA Refuses to Publish Column
ORTA, Tom Seamon: Since this condition has never been stated and it is not a previously known practice, it seems unfair to make this now a condition. We shared this article with Dennis' permission as many members are not ORTA and we do not reach many all ORTA membership. If this is to be a condition, then it should start with notice after this printing or in this printing along with Leone's article. You obviously have many members who WANT to receive his articles since he is invited to so many RTA's over and over and new ones all the time. This is not the way to do things: 'after the fact' notification having never been told this previously.
This is akin to one newspaper not printing something because another paper reaching some of the same folks printed info on the news when many others are not reached by the other paper. So they state they will not print an article or an editorial because someone else printed it. WE ARE an alternate form of communication. Some who receive us also receive your news. Some only receive ours and some only receive yours. Since when is news curtailed because of another source publishing information.
I think we have made progress recently in communication and this would surely be a major step back for you to keep information from your membership simply because CORE sent it out. You have approx. 40,000 members before OCHER and we certainly do not reach many of them. It is unfair and arbitrary and punitive to behave in this manner.
Please reconsider. We pass your info all the time including your updates and any articles with no mind to whom they may or may not have been previously sent. We welcome you to our meetings and you have access to all our information. I am deeply disappointed by this decision and hope you are open minded and independent enough in your thinking to be flexible.
Molly Janczyk
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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