Saturday, March 17, 2007

Molly Janczyk to Dave Speas and ORTA: Lay out the rules BEFORE the fact

Molly Janczyk to Dave Speas and ORTA, March 17, 2007
Subject: MEMBERSHIP should determine what THEY want: ORTA Refuses to Publish Column
What copyright? It is Leone's with no agreement to exclusiveness. CORE Leadership asked LEONE who owns the article and he said he did not feel there was a conflict since nothing had been said about exclusiveness. Did ORTA LEADERSHIP not think to state such vs. stating it after the fact? Please! Just a convenient excuse to not use the article because Leone is too explicit for them. So, talk about limits BEFORE the fact so ALL know the RULES OF THE CHANGING WINDS AND DAY!
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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