Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Don't allow your pension funds to become political pawns

#4 Posted by Cynthia
Jun 18, 2007

Neo-cons also have their fingers in the public employee retirement pie. Their purpose, it seems, is fomenting a military rather than diplomatic solution in Iran. Check out the article at (http://rightweb.irc-online.org/rw/4053). The same is true for some of the taxpayer's rights groups who may be using Darfur and Iran divestment to further weaken defined benefit plans and force privatization. Check out one of California Assembleyman Joel Anderson's supporters, Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association (http://www.hjta.org/index.php) Forgive me, but I have to wonder about the motives of those with ties to these groups and their timely pension fund reports that synch with the introduction of divestment legislation. There are those who are sincere in their attempts to end genocide in Darfur, but there are others who see this tragedy as an opportunity to forward other agendas. It is not difficult to sway the public or legislators using the highly charged, dual emotional issues of genocide and patriotism. Unfortunately, our pension funds are easy, if inappropriate, targets. Stay alert! .

source: http://columbuser.com/2007/06/08/public-pension-managers-give-in/
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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